Friday, April 30, 2010

April 2010 Sewing and Crafting Projects

Ah, I just love spring time.  And the Roxy dress pattern by Farbenmix is the perfect fit for spring time fabrics.  So I went to my stash.  Mixed up some Chez Ami prints with JoAnn Fabrics and some Craigs List finds and Whala... Paige now has a new Birdy dress.  I love this one!

My dear cousin Isaac and his wife Amanda have the most darling little girl Kayda Rose.  They live up North so we don't get to see them often.  A few months ago I came across an embroidery design with a K and a rose on it, I knew I had to make something for Kayda.  So I put my thinking cap on and used my embroidery software to add her name stacked on top, embroidered the top part added a skirt, ruffles, sleeves and made her a dress.  Of course a 2 year old has to have the matching accessories too!  So I made a flower from excess ruffles with a covered button and put it on a crochet hat and then used a covered headband and added a detachable bow.  Pretty snazzy I think.  I hope they send me pictures of her wearing it!

Our beloved church and school hosted a Tuition Assistance Auction on April 24th.  So I put together a really super spectacular "Every Girls Dream" Hair Accessories Flower pot to be auctioned off.  I put all the Flower Hair Clips, Bows etc on little sticks and put them in a flower pot.  Added Headbands, Pony O's, Korkers and even used some fabric and covered a nice box for the pot to sit on.  I haven't heard back yet what the pot sold for but I am sure it did well and the money is for a great cause.