Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Crafty Dishtowel Makeover

I bought dish-towels a couple months back that have been sitting in my craft room just waiting for some inspiration.  This past Saturday morning I decided that it was high-time to give them a pick me up new look!  I have a ton of 1930's re-production prints by Michael Miller and others that are scraps and I LOVE them!  I thought what better way to use them then by putting them on something I will see practically every day while I do my dishes! LOL! 

Adding some fun to a dish-towel is easy, fun and can be done in a matter of minutes.  I really had no plan on measurements I just took what scraps I had hoped they fit the length of the towel pinned them down and sewed around them in the rectangle shape that you see above.

Here is a close up of my seams.  If you can sew using a straight sitch you can do this!  It is a fun project for young and old.  This is great for kids to do for a Mother's day gift or great for friends to do for birthdays.  They are fun and useful gifts that are great reminders every day of the handmade item that was given.

  I just made some for a friend for her birthday and she adored them!  You can pick up dish-towels most anywhere and the SewNSew carries them specifically for this reason!

I love this print the most with the flower girls on it!

Here are some additional shots of the towels.  I hope I inspired you to grab your sewing machine and make something "Sew" wonderful today!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Love this! I want to do this when we move to jazz up our new kitchen. :)