Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Choose your Bottle Cap!

Bottle Caps have been a fantastic addition to the Sew Savvy By Brandy line of items that we carry.  They are so versitle and are extremely popular at all our stores.  Did you know we now have 6 stores we supply to!?  Yep! we are moving along and it is very exciting! 

You can add bottle caps with your favorite image to a ton of fun things.  For girls of course there are hair bows, frilly necklaces with bling added of course!  For boys we have extended our line to magnets and necklaces, with a more boyish look of course!  And for everyone we have lanyards, keychaines and zipper pulls.

Sew Savvy by Brandy has teamed up with Monica of Fantastic files and author of The Geeky Crafter Blog.  She is our go to, #1 awesome mama and terrific gal.  She does all our custom Bottle cap art work we are soooooo lucky to have her and she is one of my closest friends to boot!

So here is a look at a couple designs you can pick from designed by The Geeky Crafter.  Custom made for you by Sew Savvy by Brandy!

 American Girl
 Princess Christmas/Holidays
 Fancy Nancy

This is just a taste!  You can view a more extensive collection on my Facebook page and soon on my website.  What is amazing about her bottle cap designs is the range of images, you won't find this with any other designer.  So shoot us me an email to custom design your bottle cap goodie!  And if you are in the same line of work as I am look up Fantastic Files to purchase your own images!

Have a Sew Savvy Day!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Knot Too Shabby!

A new store just opened up in our quaint little city of Glendora, Ca. Knot Too Shabby Furnishings is located in the heart of Downtown Glendora just across the street from Blue Chair books one of our families favorite spots!  The owner of Knot Too Shabby is a friend of mine and she asked me months ago if I would like to add some of my "Savvy Crafty-ness" to her already booming Shabby-ness.  Well of course I jumped at the chance of "going green"! 

As you have seen in previous posts I love taking vintage furniture and making it new by painting it and/or adding designer fabrics to give pieces a new updated look.  With The Sew N Sew just downtown as well my favorite little sewing and quilting shoppe to get the best fabrics in town to make some one of a kind "Savvy" peices it's a win-win situation!

"Sew" what did I decide to do?????  Well a myriad of fun stuff of course!  Here is the before and after of a couple lamp shades.
I picked up 2 of these large shades at a yard sale, pretty plain jane don't you think?  This is what I did to them:
 This is a beautiful turquoise and black/brown Damask print with velvet trim in the center and pom pom fringe at the bottom.

This one is from a cute Michael Miller fabric with vintage kids, trimed in red and white. Simple and adorable for any kids room!

But you know me...matchy matchy as I am!  I had to do something for both of these items for accessories.
 I spray painted this frame, added the matching trim and then the jeweled butterfly.  I also put some of the fabric in the frame but it can be changed out for your own personal photo!

The chair is a perfect match to the lamp shade!  Simply gorgous!

I don't have a before photo of this lamp shade but it is a simple design, one you have all scene before I'm sure.  This one I am afraid to say is SOLD it went the next day after being put in the shop!

This one was oh so fun to do!  This was also a yard sale find, the beading at the bottom was already there and I wanted to keep it.  I added the leopard print, the trim and yes, that's Ostrich feather there that I use sometimes in my hair bow making!  Beautiful don't you think?  Here is the accessory for that one:
A beautiful thrift store find that got a make over with some paint, velvet trim and some bling!

Here is one more goodie!  The photo isn't very good but it's a lamp shade with flowers all over!
All in all there are quite a few more items at Knot Too Shabby that I brought in.  I also made some pillowcase dresses made out of Vintage pillowcases.  And many other fun things!  Stop by say hello to Michele and tell her Brandy sent you!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Living Room Make Over!

Remember those beautiful chairs I made over in early April?  Well both are all done and I took it a step further!  I did a little make over on my Living Room.  I had about 2 yards of that fabric left over.  So with the rest I recovered some throw pillows for the couches and a small piano bench.  Take a look!

I got this piano bench at an antique store for $15.00.  It was dark brown and dated.  So I spray painted it the same Ivory color as the chairs.  Then added the same fabric!  Walla~a nice new sitting area for us to put our shoes on in the morning!

Don't you love how everything matches!?  Since these photos I have also picked up a Oak rickety quilt rack from a second hand store for $10.00.  I spray painted that the same Ivory and added that to the Living Room as well.  My beautiful room is now complete!

Chair Make Over for Rattle N Roll!

My dear friend Suzy asked me to do a "make over" on this chair.  Boy did it need one!  I was so excited to get moving on it that there are many before photos.  But the chair was a old ugly brown with beige velvet fabric.  The chair obviously lived in a home with kiddo's! LOL!

Suzy and I decided that the chair would be put in her Rattle N Roll store.  A super adorable children's boutique that by the way carries Sew Savvy by Brandy bows!  So the chair needed to reflect a "Rocker" flair. shiny spray paint was called for. 

After the paint it was time for the staple gun!

Oooooh La La!!!!  This gold and red upholstory fabric is HOT!!!!   I have a friend who gave this sample to me and it came with a piece of red leather so I put that on the back.

It is a "Rockin" chair don't you think!  And my payment?  She has 3 more of these babies and one is mine!!!!  Hmmmmm what should I do with the next one????

A New Desk for Xander!

My little guy Xander starts Kindergarten in September this year.  So I have been thinking of buying him a desk and getting him ready for the "homework process".  I am a HUGE believer in recycling old furniture and making it new.  And one day I was driving along and saw this desk on the curb and it called to me!  I know its got an old look, but with a little new spray paint I knew I could make it work.

Here is a look at the totally 70's drawers!  The hardware gave me a "hard" time and didn't want to come off.  They were rivited in!

So what color did I choose?  RED!

The grass got a nice new look too! LOL!

So what does it look like in his room?

A nice new shiny Red desk!  It totally makes his room pop!  And he loves it!

Instead of the dated leaves and rivited hardware I added brushed nickle.

And of course we needed a new chair for the new desk!  So I spray painted a basic wood and white kitchen chair we had in the garage blue.  Then pulled out the handy dandy staple gun!

We now have a one of a kind Tony Hawk Skateboard Chair!

Ah, look at that!  There is nothing more full-filling then seeing something that was going to be put in the land fill re-purposed!

My little guy is so excited!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Sew N Sew

Spring is in the air and my favorite sewing hang out The Sew N Sew in Glendora has turned 1!  Shelly the owner of the Sew N Sew has definately taken off running with her little store.  She started off with one store front and has grown to having now 4 store locations in a small radius to accomodate her clientel.  2 store fronts to house merchandise and the other 2 for classrooms.  I am excited to join her on a new venture of having the supreme honor of getting "own" my very own window each month!  What a thrill!  I will be debuting a fabric designer and/or pattern designer each month as well as fabrics and certain notions etc.

For the month of April we cooked up some special Spring/Easter items just in time for the Anniversary Sale which happened this week.  So here is the newsletter that you can pick up at the Sew N Sew to assist you should you like to purchase items to make your own Claire or Woodland Bunny.  We featured Sandi Hendersen creator of Portabello Pixie who is a fantastic fabric & pattern designer.  I used Moda fabrics from the Bunny Hill line, they are to die for!

Here are photos from the window display at the Sew N Sew of all my handmade items:

 Yes, Yes!  I know there are alot of photos!  But I am picture happy!  It's been a long time coming, I have not been able to sew in a long while and I am quite proud of myself! Yay for me!  You may notice there are hats and bows as well?  Hmmm???  What outfit would be complete without those? LOL!  The bunnies attached to these items where done all in the embroidery hoop and then attached to the bows.  So all the items minus the bows were all sewn items!  Everything you see can be purchase at the Sew N Sew my favorite little hang out.  Stop by, Shelly would love to help you out!