Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Living Room Make Over!

Remember those beautiful chairs I made over in early April?  Well both are all done and I took it a step further!  I did a little make over on my Living Room.  I had about 2 yards of that fabric left over.  So with the rest I recovered some throw pillows for the couches and a small piano bench.  Take a look!

I got this piano bench at an antique store for $15.00.  It was dark brown and dated.  So I spray painted it the same Ivory color as the chairs.  Then added the same fabric!  Walla~a nice new sitting area for us to put our shoes on in the morning!

Don't you love how everything matches!?  Since these photos I have also picked up a Oak rickety quilt rack from a second hand store for $10.00.  I spray painted that the same Ivory and added that to the Living Room as well.  My beautiful room is now complete!

Chair Make Over for Rattle N Roll!

My dear friend Suzy asked me to do a "make over" on this chair.  Boy did it need one!  I was so excited to get moving on it that there are many before photos.  But the chair was a old ugly brown with beige velvet fabric.  The chair obviously lived in a home with kiddo's! LOL!

Suzy and I decided that the chair would be put in her Rattle N Roll store.  A super adorable children's boutique that by the way carries Sew Savvy by Brandy bows!  So the chair needed to reflect a "Rocker" flair. shiny spray paint was called for. 

After the paint it was time for the staple gun!

Oooooh La La!!!!  This gold and red upholstory fabric is HOT!!!!   I have a friend who gave this sample to me and it came with a piece of red leather so I put that on the back.

It is a "Rockin" chair don't you think!  And my payment?  She has 3 more of these babies and one is mine!!!!  Hmmmmm what should I do with the next one????

A New Desk for Xander!

My little guy Xander starts Kindergarten in September this year.  So I have been thinking of buying him a desk and getting him ready for the "homework process".  I am a HUGE believer in recycling old furniture and making it new.  And one day I was driving along and saw this desk on the curb and it called to me!  I know its got an old look, but with a little new spray paint I knew I could make it work.

Here is a look at the totally 70's drawers!  The hardware gave me a "hard" time and didn't want to come off.  They were rivited in!

So what color did I choose?  RED!

The grass got a nice new look too! LOL!

So what does it look like in his room?

A nice new shiny Red desk!  It totally makes his room pop!  And he loves it!

Instead of the dated leaves and rivited hardware I added brushed nickle.

And of course we needed a new chair for the new desk!  So I spray painted a basic wood and white kitchen chair we had in the garage blue.  Then pulled out the handy dandy staple gun!

We now have a one of a kind Tony Hawk Skateboard Chair!

Ah, look at that!  There is nothing more full-filling then seeing something that was going to be put in the land fill re-purposed!

My little guy is so excited!